Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sun rise or sunset?

Another meaningful picture taken during my long vacation. The picture was taken in a railway station in Kuala Lumpur. It used to be the main railway station of the city. The historical building is now utilized as a train museum.

Sun rise or sunset? Just like another funny psychology test: by filling up water into a glass but not to make it full, then asking people whether it's half full or half empty?

The conclusion made from the test: those optimistic enough will probably answer half full whereas those pesismistic will probably say half empty.

Then from this picture, we may also get a simple logical conclusion:
optimistic people will see sun rise.
pesimistic people will see sunset.

However, my economics lecturer won't answer like that way for the glass-water test. People from different fields will give different types of answer based on their field of study.

An engineer may answer: How many liters of water need to fill up more? What is the volume of water needed?

They may also look at the picture and say: may i know the position of the observer?

They will give a more quantitative answer rather than simply giving a simple logical answer.

So, what conclusion can we make from engineer's mind?

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